daily musings on various goings-on

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

pent up anger

I decided that I was too tired to walk all the way to the subway this morning and caught the Sherbourne bus down to King Street. The bus usually loads up at Sherbourne and Bloor; this morning was no exception. Everyone piles in and a woman with a small child - maybe about 2 years old takes a seat near to me. I think nothing of it. She looks to be in her mid thirties; Somalian by her garb.

A few seconds later a man gets on - mid-late thirties, glasses, white patterned shirt over jeans (I think). He walks by her and says, "What? You're too good to wait in line like the rest of us?" He continues to the back of the bus and then says, "Maybe when he's in jail like the rest of them, you'll remember what you taught him."

The woman looks shocked; then she says, "You know fuck you" in an accented voice.

Now I'm almost always a stickler for following the process, don't butt in line and all that. But then I start to wonder:

I wonder what right this man has to cast such a horrible fate on an innocent child.

I wonder if there's any compassion left for our fellow human being when I see a a mother with a small child subjected to this verbal abuse.

I wonder if this would happen if the woman was white.

I wonder what it means that I did nothing about it.


Blogger Tracy said...

Honestly - you have to wonder what's going on when someone expresses such venom, and to someone they don't know. He probably wasn't even angry with her, or mean what he said - likely he was just pissed at something in his world, and said what he knew would hurt her the worst to make himself feel better.

Nasty. What a way to start your day.

9:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once when I was about 19 my car broke down, and as I was looking for a job at that moment, I had to take the bus. (Tthey didn't have subways where I lived.) I got literally the last seat, in my high heels and cute little business dress, and I was relieved, as my feet were killing me. At the next stop, on the bus gets this very elderly man, with a white 'blind' cane, who is being led by the hand by a little asian boy of about 5 years old. The entire bus just sat there. The little boy looked for a seat, but there wasn't one. Nearly the entire bus was people from 15-30, healthy, and half men. Not one person offered an elderly blind man and a small child their friggin seat! I couldn't believe it! I was nearly at the back of the bus, and I stood up, and let them sit in my seat. I was so enraged at a whole culture that showed in that moment I just wanted to rant and rant and rant, and I thought it would humiliate them, so I didn't. I think a good portion of our world today just doesn't know WTF is human decency is all.

PS I have blogger-new (google), and old-version blogger won't let me post comments, so I'm having to do it as anonymous. PJ from the divine low carb

11:19 AM


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