daily musings on various goings-on

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Persistance pays off

There's an apple tree outside my bathroom window and every spring you're guaranteed to see a family of racoons climbing up to get to their home on the roof. Well this morning two baby racoons were in the tree and they were stuck - they couldn't figure out how to get from the tree to the roof so they kept going back and forth and crying (or mewling or whatever sound baby racoons make). I stood watching them as they tried to figure out where to go. One of them almost fell off and he's hanging on for dear life to what seems to be an extremely slender branch. Then little by little he makes his way to the roof and stretches and finally gets on. It took the other one a few minutes more to make his way up to the roof.

I'm watching them and, in my head, saying "you can do it, just a little bit more."

And they did finally.

It took a good five minutes from the time I started watching them but I think they'd been stuck there for a little while because I'd heard the crying sounds earlier.

This thought from Ralph Marston seemed to fit:


When you're weary, it means you've been making a difference. Keep going and see it through.

When each obstacle is more difficult than the one before, it means you're making real progress. Persist, and make it all count for something great.

The exhaustion you feel is preparing you for the sweet taste of accomplishment that is surely to come. Every effort you make serves to give that accomplishment more value and meaning.

Sure, the way is difficult, and by moving through each difficulty you're creating something that can never be taken away. Keep going, and enjoy the priceless reward of knowing you did it.

As the path become steeper, it means you're nearing the summit. Now is when it's especially important to keep climbing.

Your efforts have already brought you a long, long way. Persist, and enjoy the full rewards of your labor.


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