Worrying about real things...like Global Warming
It's opening weekend for Al Gore's new documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" and I'm thrilled to say that the Cumberland Theatre in Toronto was about 90% filled at the 7.30 show. Bodes well for the film actually sticking around in the theatre.
The doc is definitely worth seeing, in fact after you see it the first time, see it again. Reason being, it's kind of an "old style" documentary - the kind you saw as kids in grade school that you always thought were dead boring. Not that this is dead boring, but it's a lot of information to take in and process in one go. He's done a great job of translating a ton of scientic data into very understandable and relevant information. And the film actually ends on a somewhat positive note in that it asks you to take action and gives suggestion on what those actions might be.
So what's my first action going to be to take part in retarding the speed of climate change? Well I don't drive a car for starters so that's good; I'm pretty good about turning lights off when not in use or using smaller lamps to light the part of the room that I'm working in which as I write this seems pretty trivial; I guess I'll have to think about this - what can I do or what can I not participate in?
Check out this link to see what you're contributing to global warming: http://www.climatecrisis.net/takeaction/carboncalculator/
If you haven't checked it out already, here's a link to the film's site: http://www.climatecrisis.net/ and something really cool that I just read about - Paramount Classics is donating 5% of the domestic theatrical gross for An Inconvenient Truth to a new bipartisan climate effort, Alliance for Climate Protection so get out there and see this film.
Oh and drive your car less, bike/walk/mass transit more, and most of all, get involved. We can turn this around.
Congrats on starting your blog!
Knowing you'd been to see the film last night, I logged on this morning to see if you had e-mailed me to tell me what you'd thought or hoped you'd be on-line so we could chat. No quite as good as IMing but a nice alternative.
Actually you are really close to being a perfect example of how people can be living a high quality life with a 1 planet eco-footprint, especially because you are vegitarian.
Good luck with this blog.
6:13 AM
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